Yeah baby. #barrywhitevoice
I just can't get enough of liquid in jars. Whatever that says about me. Today, however, we're introducing a new liquid, readily available from yon locale dollare shoppe. Baby oil.
It even smells like real babies! Well, I mean, the not-smelly side of them. The powdery side. Of course, once you've sealed it away forever in its Mason jar vault, you won't be able to tell anyway, but it was at least nicer to work with than vegetable oil, which smells like deep frying. Don't get me wrong, I love deep fried food, but the smell after deep frying in your kitchen? It's a nightmare.The color of vegetable oil probably would have gone along really well with the orange I chose for the water, but I'd worry about it going rancid, even sealed up in a Mason jar.
While waiting for the jar to pop, I decided to have a little gardening time with Meows. I found those two Buddha head statuettes at the 99c Store, they're really pretty. Usually all I find there are Jesus statues, and really tacky, odd things (like, a typewriter statuette? What?), and I'm not much interested in Jesus, not that I'm Buddhist either, but I like that style of art. In a garden, especially, it just seems so peaceful and calm. So the new Buddha heads go by the miniature roses, which I also found at the 99c Store! They haven't gotten all the attention they needed over the past 3 months or so, but I am slowly bringing them back to life. Very hardy little things.
PING! It's time.
This thing is CRAZY. You can shake it forever, and every time, it still goes back to being perfectly separate - clear on the top, and orange on the bottom.

So here's the stuff:
1 self-sealing jar, a la Mason/Kerr ball jars.
Food coloring
Baby oil (I used somewhere around 230ml, or 3/4 a 10oz bottle)
Boil water. Fill jar halfway with boiling water. Add desired amount of food coloring. Fill to top with baby oil. Put on the top and secure tightly. It's done when the seal pops, or when jar is completely cool.
TOTAL COST: $3, if you can find everything at the dollar store. The food coloring will last FOREVER, so if you want to make more jars, you really only need $2 per jar, and if you're making 4, you'll only need 3 bottles of baby oil.
Have fun!
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